La o privire de ansamblu
Localizare: Chile
Domenii de impact: Incluziunea forței de muncă, venituri durabile
People Supported:
People with Disabilities, Urban
S-a alăturat NESsT Portofoliu:
Prezentare generală
In Latin America, 85 million people are living with a disability. Even though people with disabilities are eager to improve their lives by developing a career, they experience discrimination and other barriers as they seek education and employment opportunities. As a result, 3 out of 4 people with disabilities are unemployed in the region. is a social enterprise that connects people with disabilities to job openings at corporations committed towards building inclusive and equitable workplaces.
Gabriel Marcolongo founded the enterprise in 2014 after his father struggled for two years with accessing employment after developing a disability. Through this experience, Gabriel began to uncover how the exclusion of people with disabilities is a systemic issue across Latin America. has more than 240,000 people with disabilities registered on its platform. The enterprise trains and places them into work opportunities in 11 countries in Latin America, including Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Its online training program for people with disabilities offers an 8-step video course that better equips them for the recruitment process. To date, the enterprise has placed 1,900 people with disabilities into roles across 100+ clients and trained over 28,000 people on workplace inclusion.
The enterprise will expand its online education and recruitment platform for its clients by designing workplace inclusion strategies for their physical and commercial spaces.
Rezultate și impact
people with disabilities supported
job placements across 11 Latin American countries
people trained on inclusion
“The process that I went through with was perfect. The best thing that can be done with a person with a disability who is looking for a job is personalized follow-up, accompany them in the search, lower their stress and anxiety levels and give them confidence in their abilities and potential. ”
NESsT Investiții, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship and NESsT partnered to increase the enterprise’s market penetration in all of its current markets, and specifically to expand into the Peruvian and Colombian markets. NESsT will support the enterprise to leverage its large talent base and strong business operations, by positioning its brand in relevant business networks in order to unlock new sales and curriculum development opportunities for the talent base.
In addition, NESsT will aid the social enterprise in generating more impact by developing financial inclusion courses for people with disabilities to ensure that they can better manage their earnings as they achieve career mobility.
NESsT and IKEA Social Entrepreneurship Initiative are committed to supporting and its mission to provide people with disabilities with professional fulfilment, fair wages, and long-term support.