La o privire de ansamblu
Localizare: România
Domenii de impact: Agricultura durabilă
Oameni susținuți:
Producători mici
S-a alăturat NESsT Portofoliu:
Prezentare generală
In Romania, 95% of farms are family-owned and small in size, typically under three hectares. These farms have low production volumes and are not technologically equipped to meet market requirements.
Helyénvaló helps the small agricultural producers in the Odorheiu Secuiesc region to sell and promote their locally-produced, artisanal goods, including meat, fresh vegetables, pastries, herbal spices, and bee products.
To date, Helyénvaló supports more than 100 small producers through its store and online channels. Living within 75km of the city, these smallholder farmers are key drivers for the revival and conservation of local orchards, protecting the biodiversity of the Romanian-native fruit and vegetable species.
Helyénvaló cultivates trust within the local community by organizing tastings, tea sessions, and farm visits. Through these gatherings, local producers are able to further engage and establish long-term relationships with their customers, offering them more visibility into how their products are sustainably sourced and made.
The social enterprise is also committed to projects that improve the ecological awareness of local residents. One way that Helyenvalo raises awareness is by creating videos that communicate the stories of its small producers, highlighting their environmentally-sustainable practices and sharing the benefits of purchasing local products.
Rezultate și impact
individuals supported
small subsistence farmers and producers receiving income in 2021
local communities impacted
We recognized the problems that local producers faced 15 years ago, and since then we have been trying to help them by transferring knowledge, organizing events, and getting their products to the market. ”
NESsT Investiții
In 2021, Helyénvaló expanded its sales channels and began distributing its products to grocery stores in nearby cities. Beyond helping the social enterprise to consolidate its new distribution partnerships, NESsT will offer technical guidance on its growth and marketing strategies. Together, NESsT, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship, and Helyénvaló will develop methodologies and tools that will enable the social enterprise to amplify its impact.