Idea2Entrepreneur Tools Suite
Online tools that social entrepreneurs can use to assess their social enterprise and create action plans for growth
Develop a plan for growing your and your team's skills and capabilities of with this online assessment and guided action plan
Discover how to improve your social enterprise’s environmental practices with this online assessment
Learning Series
Practical lessons in social enterprise development to help you better manage your business and take advantage of opportunities in emerging market communities
Produced with the support of Rutgers Presbyterian Church
Produced with the assistance of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Taiwan Business-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund
Co-financed by Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union
Developed with support from the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Produced on behalf of Digital Divide Data with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank
NESsT has been at the forefront of social enterprise development, conducting research and documenting best practices since 1997. See all of our publications in the NESsT Publications Archive.
Legal Guides
Specialized guides on key legal issues for social enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America
Celem niniejszego przewodnika jest więc zapoznanie przedsiębiorców społecznych z podstawowymi zagadnieniami z zakresu ochrony danych osobowych.
Niniejszy przewodnik ma na celu przedstawienie instytucji interpretacji prawa podatkowego oraz omówienie w jaki sposób przedsiębiorcy społeczni mogą ubiegać się o jej uzyskanie.
Celem niniejszego przewodnika jest zapoznanie przedsiębiorców społecznych z podstawowymi zagadnieniami dotyczącymi podatku od towarów i usług, tak by umożliwić im pewne wykonywanie ich obowiązków podatkowych.
Prawo pracy jest zespołem norm prawnych związanych ze stosunkiem pracy, które określają prawa i obowiązki
pracowników oraz pracodawców.
Niniejszy przewodnik ma na celu wskazać podstawowe zasady rozliczeń i obowiązki ciążące na przedsiębiorcach społecznych w ramach systemu ubezpieczeń społecznych i zdrowotnych obowiązującego w Polsce.
Poniższy podręcznik ma na celu zapoznanie przedsiębiorców z podstawowym zagadnieniami dotyczącymi umowy o dzieło i umowy zlecenie.
Niniejszy przewodnik ma na celu przedstawienie podstawowych zasad opodatkowania i oskładkowania wynagrodzenia wypłacanego w ramach tych dwóch umów.
Prowadzenie przez przedsiębiorcę (usługodawcę) działalności w Internecie wymaga jednak również spełnienia szeregu obowiązków prawnych oraz uwzględnienia dobrych praktyk stosowanych w działalności internetowej.
Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami, w celu prowadzenia działalności statutowej spółdzielnie socjalne tworzą fundusze własne o różnym charakterze. Ustanowienie niektórych funduszy wynika z przepisów prawa i jest obligatoryjne.
Acest ghid vă va ajuta să înțelegeți aspectele esențiale cu privire la întreprinderea socială/întreprinderea socială de inserție și să vă răspundeți la întrebările „Ce este?”, „Cum se poate înființa?”, „De ce facilități poate beneficia?” și „Ce obligații are?” o întreprindere socială/întreprindere socială de inserție.
Acest ghid prezintă pe scurt potențialele implicații și aspecte juridice și fiscale reieșind din interacțiunile dintre o entitate juridică și persoane fizice, interacțiuni ce pot avea loc sub oricare dintre formele amintite mai sus.”
Acest ghid vă va ajuta să înțelegeți aspectele esențiale cu privire la aceste tipuri de contracte.
Acest ghid vă va ajuta să vă conturați o imagine generală asupra aspectelor esențiale pe care trebuie să le aveți în vedere la încheierea oricărui tip de contract.
NESsT social enterprise legal guides are currently available for the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Hungary, Peru, Poland and Romania. See the NESsT Legal Series Archive.
Case Studies
Real-world lessons from social enterprises to help you explore challenges and brainstorm innovative solutions
Transitions disseminates objective, impartial coverage through its own online magazine; runs workshops for journalism students, early-career reporters, senior journalists and media executives; and implements media development programs to promote models for quality journalism. This case study explores its vision for the future, growth plans, and lessons learned.
Produs cu sprijinul guvernelor Cehiei, Ungariei, Poloniei și Slovaciei prin Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.
Siedlisko trains and employs youth with intellectual disabilities and long-term unemployed people as caregivers of the residents and in running the catering and laundry services located in Staniszcze Wielkie. This case study explores its vision for the future, partnership with NESsT, and how it became one of BNP Paribas’ first social enterprise clients.
Produs cu sprijinul guvernelor Cehiei, Ungariei, Poloniei și Slovaciei prin Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.
The use of co-investing is a powerful way to unlock capital for the early-stage social enterprise market, leading to higher social impact. This case study explores three examples of NESsT-led early stage co-investment partnerships, how they came about, the success factors that made them work, as well as the barriers they confronted.
Produced with support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020)
NESsT Partners is a giving circle that fosters social change and inspires and engages philanthropists at multiple levels — from strategic giving and impact investing, to volunteering, networking, and donor education.
Produced with support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020)
To help Timural Group increase production efficiency, NESsT matched the company with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt mentor. For more than 18 months, the management team met regularly with their mentor and implemented changes that have resulted in significant savings and stronger margins.
Marvin and Lisa Ausherman wanted to direct their philanthropic giving to an organization with a strong entrepreneurial vision and the ability to create sustainable impact. After consulting with NESsT, they selected to invest in Kek Madar, a social enterprise in Hungary that trains and employs people with disabilities.
Prietenia Association, an NGO established in Romania in 1996, has been working to replicate the Swiss model of social and work integration of people with mental disabilities in Romania. This case study describes the experience, lessons learned and challenges that Prietenia had to overcome.
The Lemelson Foundation supports inventors who create products that address critical social and environmental issues, and reach and serve communities with the greatest needs. Its support of NESsT's work in Peru has jumpstarted many invention-based businesses, including Ingenimed which offers a cost-effective technology for treating jaundice in newborns in rural clinics.
NESsT has been at the forefront of social enterprise development, conducting research and documenting best practices since 1997. See all of our publications in the NESsT Publications Archive.