Most investments with a gender lens support companies led by women serving women, but this is not enough. Setting the intention to improve the lives of women is crucial because it sets to transform the negative ways in which people perceive gender differences. NESsT created a step-by-step process to investors develop their own gender lens investing (GLI) strategy.
The Future of Work is Female
In Latin America, while the participation of women in the labor market increased in recent years, women are still overrepresented in low-income or non-remunerated household work. Two social enterprises in the NESsT - IKEA Social Entrepreneurship Latin America Accelerator run training programs designed to help women land salaried employment, freelancing opportunities, and micro-entrepreneurship -- the choice is theirs!
Erol Foundation announces new grant to NESsT to support impact-driven enterprises in the Amazon Basin
A new multi-year partnership between NESsT and Erol Foundation will improve forest conservation by catalyzing local sustainable enterprises in areas of high biodiversity. The NESsT Amazonia incubator will support 15 conservation enterprises that improve forest conservation in the Amazon basin and provide sustainable livelihoods to local communities.
Transformarea sistemelor alimentare în America Latină
NESsT Împuternicește: Sprijinirea femeilor pentru a lansa cariere în industrii cu creștere rapidă
NESsT Empowers este un program care ajută femeile care se confruntă cu discriminarea în procesul de angajare să aibă acces la resursele de carieră pentru a face tranziția către locuri de muncă durabile și de calitate. Prin Empowers, întreprinderile sociale sunt conectate la lideri de afaceri de succes care sunt interesați de aprofundarea angajamentului față de diversitate, echitate și incluziune la locul lor de muncă.
NESsT Funding Opportunities Active in May
NESsT încheie o altă investiție socială într-o companie care ajută comunitățile indigene să se dezvolte în pădurea tropicală peruviană.
Meet NESsT's New Board Chair: Lord Mervyn Davies
NESsT is on track to double its portfolio by the end of this year so that 50 social enterprises can access the financing and business advisory services needed to consolidate and grow their social and environmental impact. To support the organization with scaling its operations, NESsT’s Board of Directors appointed Lord Mervyn Davies as Chair.