
The NESsT Lirio Fund provides cooperative Kulkao with a second loan to increase the income of cocoa farmers in the Amazon basin

The NESsT Lirio Fund provides cooperative Kulkao with a second loan to increase the income of cocoa farmers in the Amazon basin

Located in the jungle areas of central and eastern Peru, Kulkao sources cocoa from over 400 smallholder farmers living in the remote regions of the Amazon basin. Its products include cocoa butter, cocoa powder, and cocoa nibs that are sold to local and international markets such as Europe and North America. Due to its success, in 2023, NESsT approved a second revolving loan to Kulkao, supporting the social enterprise to continue to purchase cacao beans from local farmers committed to organic, sustainable practices. 

NESsT Fondul Lirio salută Cuencas del Huallaga, o cooperativă de cacao care folosește tehnologia pentru a preveni despădurirea în Amazonul peruvian.

The NESsT Lirio Fund welcomes Cuencas del Huallaga, a cocoa cooperative using technology to prevent deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon

Investiția fondului Lirio NESsTva furniza capital de lucru pentru Cuencas în funcție de necesități, sprijinind întreprinderea socială să crească numărul de furnizori de cacao de la care se aprovizionează și să își sporească capacitatea de producție de cacao organic. 

NESsT Lirio Fund salută Laguna, o cooperativă de cafea care promovează egalitatea de gen în sectorul agricol din Peru

The NESsT Lirio Fund Welcomes Laguna, a Coffee Cooperative Promoting Gender Equity in Peru’s Agriculture Sector

Cooperativa Cafetalera Laguna de los Cóndores se aprovizionează cu cafea de la aproape 460 de mici fermieri care își desfășoară activitatea în regiune, încercând să atenueze dificultățile financiare grave ale acestora și să se asigure că producătorii de cafea obțin un venit decent. NESsTInvestiția rotativă a Fundației Laguna va ajuta Laguna să ajungă la mai mulți producători și să semneze contracte cu aceștia în următorii doi ani, iar finanțarea va fi furnizată în funcție de necesități pentru nevoile de capital de lucru.

Cu o experiență de peste două decenii în sprijinirea cultivatorilor de plante medicinale indigene, Pebani se alătură fondului NESsT Lirio pentru a-și extinde prezența globală

With Over Two Decades of Experience Supporting Indigenous Medicinal Plant Farmers, Pebani Joins the NESsT Lirio Fund to Expand its Global Presence

NESsT’s loan will help Pebani to purchase machinery and equipment and invest in marketing and commercial development, ultimately amplifying their presence in new markets. This loan will also support Pebani to obtain additional Fair Trade and Organic certifications, which will strengthen their international brand awareness in commercial events and global fairs. 

The NESsT Lirio Fund Welcomes Cedros Café, a Coffee Cooperative that Supports Women Coffee Farmers in Peru

The NESsT Lirio Fund Welcomes Cedros Café, a Coffee Cooperative that Supports Women Coffee Farmers in Peru

NESsT’s loan will support Cedros Café with working capital to increase the number of farmers they can support – in the next two years, the enterprise plans to work with 400 associates. Cedros will also equip these smallholder farmers to double their production capacity, reaching 1,200 kilos per hectare while safeguarding their quality and certifications. 

NESsT Fondul Lirio investește în RONAP, un exportator de nuci de Brazilia care sprijină comunitățile indigene pentru a proteja biodiversitatea din Amazonul peruan

The NESsT Lirio Fund Invests in RONAP,  a Brazil Nut Exporter that Supports Indigenous Communities to Safeguard the Biodiversity of the Peruvian Amazon

Fondul NESsT Lirio va sprijini RONAP cu o linie de capital de lucru pentru a-și extinde producția, a dezvolta noi produse de nuci de Brazilia și a mări canalele de vânzări. Cu ajutorul finanțării flexibile de la NESsT, asociația va putea să își consolideze relațiile cu clienții potențiali și existenți. 

The NESsT Fund invests in Kulkao, a Peruvian cocoa producer that improves the livelihoods of remote smallholder farmers

The NESsT Fund invests in Kulkao, a Peruvian cocoa producer that improves the livelihoods of remote smallholder farmers

The NESsT Fund loan will increase Kulkao’s organic production capacity and improve the yield of more than 1,000 smallholder farmers living in the Peruvian rainforest, expanding the income possibilities for local indigenous communities in the buffer zone of the Cordillera Azul National Park, which covers more than 1.5 million hectares of land.

How Café Compadre Supports Coffee Farmers in the Central Peruvian Jungle - ' Good coffee is good for you and good for the farmer'

How Café Compadre Supports Coffee Farmers in the Central Peruvian Jungle - ' Good coffee is good for you and good for the farmer'

To produce specialty coffee, Cafe Compadre eliminates the intermediaries and works directly with farmers located in the remote central Peruvian jungle, training the farmers to pick only the coffee beans that are free of defects and at peak ripeness from each harvest. This way, the farmers preserve the quality and flavor of the coffee while maintaining a traceable and sustainable production process. In 2019, the social enterprise paid farmers 50% more of the average price paid to farmers for normal commercial beans.

NESsT closes another social enterprise investment in a company helping indigenous communities thrive in the Peruvian rainforest.

NESsT closes another social enterprise investment in a company helping indigenous communities thrive in the Peruvian rainforest.

NESsT is thrilled to welcome Shanantina to its portfolio as the NESsT Fund closes another investment in a pioneering social enterprise helping indigenous communities thrive in the Peruvian rainforest.