A NESsT com o apoio do Fundo Dema e diezenas de parceiros locales está lansando um edital para seleção de negocios socioambientais da Amazônia para receberem investimento e integrarem o Portfolio NESsT com acceso a capacitações e mentoria personalizate e à rede de parceiros.
iFood și Retalhar revoluționează industria de livrare a alimentelor din America Latină prin reciclarea pungilor termice de livrare
What I've learned from living in the Amazon
Living in the largest biome in Brazil, Marcelo Cwerner, NESsT Brazil Portfolio Manager, illuminates the beauty of the Amazon rainforest and underscores the challenges that are involved in the preservation of the rainforest. The Amazon is fundamental to life on the planet. Its environmental and climatic services are unique and, without it, life as we know it will not be possible.
Sectorul investițiilor cu impact în creștere în Europa
Catalyzed by the changing consumer mentality and new government regulations, global sustainable investments are expected to reach $150 trillion over the next decade. This article investigates 4 key factors that are driving European financial institutions to turn on their impact investing vehicles and sheds light on future challenges in the sector.
Four Learnings for Investors Building an Impact Fund with Latimpacto & NESsT
Greenbox Transformă viețile fermierilor indigeni din Peru
In Peru, due to a lack of information and limited access to technology, many indigenous farmers situated deep in the highland regions are exploited by intermediaries who take ownership of and export their products at rates that severely undercut the farmer. Greenbox is a social enterprise that transforms regions in the Amazon Andes of Peru from harvesting coca plants for use in drug trafficking, to harvesting organic fruit for use in value-add products.
Making Frontline Investing the New Normal
The pandemic crisis has brought to light the need for our industry to make frontline investing the new normal. At the SOCAP conference this year, we heard the stories of three resilient entrepreneurs working at the frontlines to keep their businesses strong and their communities safe; and three impact funds that moved quickly to support them in these efforts.
Construirea unor SGB mai reziliente prin intermediul colaborării transformaționale
Panelists at the ANDE Conference shared key needs of the SGB sector in the Post Covid-19 reality, which includes resilience funding that is flexible and designed to meet immediate needs and adaptation to e-commerce and digitalization. To address these needs, we need to move beyond transactional partnerships to transformational partnerships that bring unlikely collaborators on board.
NESsT Parteneri cu IKEA Social Entrepreneurship pentru a sprijini 12 întreprinderi sociale din America Latină
Acest program de accelerare de trei ani, co-creat și personalizat, va oferi întreprinderilor sociale îndrumare practică din partea colaboratorilor IKEA și a consilierilor NESsT pentru a sprijini 12 antreprenori sociali din Chile, Columbia, Peru și Brazilia cu planurile lor de extindere a afacerilor.