Karolina Gadalska reflectează asupra formării orfanilor polonezi pentru locuri de muncă în domeniul IT

Karolina Gadalska Reflects on Upskilling Polish Orphans for IT Jobs

Through trainings, events, and early-career programs, Możesz ITy equips youth and their allies with the tools, connections, and support they need to achieve diversity in the tech industry. Karolina Gadalska is the Manager of the Foundation and works closest with the students of the program. She supports them with accessing training from corporate partners, finding employment, and anything else that comes up as part of the students’ transition to a career such as relocations.

Consolidar Diversidade: The Brazilian Social Enterprise Transforming Workplace Cultures

Consolidar Diversidade: The Brazilian Social Enterprise Transforming Workplace Cultures

All employers want to find the most driven and hardworking people to join their companies. However, so many people with different abilities who could excel at their jobs continue to be excluded. Consolidar Diversidade is a social enterprise based in São Paulo that promotes the diversity, equity, and inclusion of people with different abilities into the labor market.

NESsT Organizează o recepție privind investițiile de impact la Academia Regală de Arte

NESsT Hosts Impact Investing Reception at the Royal Academy of Arts

Pe 7 martie, profesioniști din domeniul investițiilor, filantropi, strategi și promotori ai schimbării s-au reunit la Academia Regală de Arte pentru a discuta despre modul de dezvoltare a ecosistemului antreprenoriatului social. De ce antreprenoriat social? Acesta oferă soluții durabile la șomaj, degradarea mediului și sărăcie.