Guilherme Fernandes a contribuit la creșterea financiară și strategică a NESsT Brazil. În calitate de director general al Ashmore Brazilia, a condus timp de mai mulți ani rolul companiei sale ca aliat financiar și de consolidare a capacităților.
The Ingredients for Maximizing Social Impact: Ensuring Marginalized Communities are the Protagonists
Engaged Philanthropy Offers Innovative Solution for Investing in Social Change
Venture philanthropy recognizes that a great program – one that teaches kids to read, helps lift people out of poverty, or improves health outcomes – is no stronger than the organization underpinning its delivery. It’s crucial to invest in the organization and its capacity. If you want to have effective, sustainable programs that really make a difference, you must have a strong, stable organizational infrastructure supporting it. You have to go beyond writing a check and take a long-term view of what it means to invest in solutions to global or local problems.