Alăturați-vă Housekipp în formalizarea sectorului serviciilor domestice în Peru

Cu sprijinul dvs., femeile din Peru vor avea ocazia să își îmbunătățească veniturile, să primească formare profesională și să acceseze microcredite pentru ca familiile și copiii lor să se dezvolte. Împrumutând 25 de dolari sau mai mult, puteți ajuta Housekipp să atingă 100%, astfel încât să poată instrui și angaja 240 de femei până în 2021.

Kiva Progress

The Story Behind Housekipp

In 2015, Grover and Roberto saw a great need among Lima’s home and office owners (seeking quality housekeeping services) and a great disadvantage among the traditional housekeepers (informality tends towards low income and no benefits).

In Lima, less than 1% of housekeepers have a formal contract with their employers and most of them are treated with indifference. Without a contract, women working as housekeepers earn below minimum wage and lack access to respective work benefits such as healthcare, pension and vacations.

They discovered a way to cover both needs and created Housekipp –  a social enterprise that trains women to reach five-star hotel cleaning standards and connects them with the increasing demand from Peruvian homeowners and office managers. This ensures a steady income source. Grover and Roberto partnered with Diana who has extensive experience in premium hotel management and services. She leads the training efforts with the Housekippers.

Over time, the founders realized that Housekippers would benefit from additional support. Many of the women are single mothers and some are survivors of domestic violence.

This is why Housekipp provides flexibility on working hours and ongoing career development. The management team assess each woman’s skills and strengths to identify additional responsibilities she can grow into, such as administration, purchase management or sales. Housekipp also provides trainings on personal finance, counseling, and microloans to support Housekippers’ children and their education.

In a year and a half, Housekipp has trained and worked with more than 30 Housekippers who now have stable contracts, private health insurance and the other employment benefits.

With your support, Housekipp will be on track to employ 240 women by 2021. Become a part of Housekipp’s journey to formalize the domestic services sector by ensuring contract employment for women in Peru.

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Hear directly from Denisse, the impact that Housekipp has had on her life.

Entrevista a una de las mejores housekippers de nuestro team.


Update: Over 1,000 Kiva Lenders supported Housekipp and successfully fundraised a $40,000 loan.