NESsT at the 2019 GIIN Investor Forum

The October 2019 GIIN Investor Forum in Amsterdam consisted of leading impact investors gathering to discuss the latest trends in the sector

A central theme dominated the conference: impact management. While the topic is certainly not new, the urgency is. In part this urgency is driven by the increasing visibility the sector is attracting. New impact funds from leading private equity firms and glitzy events in the world’s trendiest capitals provide fodder to the press and public opinion to look from the outside-in for reasons to find flaws in the sector.

The increased publicity around impact investing also attracts calls for greater accountability. At the GIIN Forum a leading asset management company revealed intention from EU regulators to expand its Non-financial Reporting Directive and legislate impact reporting, which will undergo significant changes in the next 18 months. If passed, EU regulations on impact reporting may set new global standards, similar to what GDPR has been to data privacy. 

While still a young sector, impact investing builds on impact management best practices from the philanthropic sector and an increasing number of new service providers are emerging to assist investors in their quest to measure and report. At a panel over breakfast, a top four accounting firm presented its services for auditing impact. While this type of service, because of its cost, is currently only accessible to large impact investment funds, it holds the promise of bringing the rigors of audit standards to impact management.

Fiduciary duty and impact: opportunity or obstacle “We care deeply about the world our members will retire into. As investors, we contribute deeply to societal and environmental needs in a way that’s beneficial to our members." - Ross Piper, CEO, Ch…

Fiduciary duty and impact: opportunity or obstacle
“We care deeply about the world our members will retire into. As investors, we contribute deeply to societal and environmental needs in a way that’s beneficial to our members." - Ross Piper, CEO, Christian Super

Impact as contextual: clarifying assumptions of impact

GIIN Forum participants engaged in side discussions about “context” and “investor contribution,” and their influence on impact. Indeed, most practitioners agree that impact is contextual: for example, an SME fund investing in Kenya and one investing in Sudan may both pursue impact strategies, but the outcomes will be vastly different because of the locations in which investments are made. Impact investors are advised to clearly declare their assumptions of impact to communicate the context in which their investments are made.

Contribution is a newer concept whereby investors can influence the impact of their investments by being activist investors and/or technical advisors. Contribution has now been integrated into the IFC’s operating principles for impact. The GIIN Forum provided ample space for investors to learn about the principles and explore how to integrate them into their processes. 

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Participanții la Forumul GIIN au explorat mai multe subiecte de pionierat legate de impact. O instituție financiară cu sediul în Bermude oferă investitorilor săi stimulente financiare pentru a-și atinge și depăși obiectivele de impact: cu cât impactul este mai mare, cu atât investitorii plătesc băncii o rată a dobânzii mai mică. Proprietarii și administratorii de active încep să exploreze modalități de a lega performanța financiară a administratorilor de fonduri de impactul generat de aceștia. Unii s-au întrebat dacă performanța financiară este suficientă pentru a determina succesul unei investiții cu impact: dacă o investiție are succes din punct de vedere financiar, dar nu reușește să își atingă obiectivele în materie de impact, este aceasta cu adevărat o reușită?

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"Timpul nostru este acum! Dacă vrem să profităm de acest moment turbulent, trebuie să fim îndrăzneți și trebuie să fim mari. Este momentul să ne schimbăm relația cu banii, să schimbăm ceea ce înseamnă să investești sincer, este momentul să schimbăm capitalismul, pentru sisteme mai bune, pentru o lume mai bună. Cu toții avem un rol de jucat în rezolvarea crizei climatice și a inegalității. Cine o va face dacă noi nu o facem? Timpul nostru este acum și trebuie să profităm împreună de acest moment. "
— GIIN's Sapna Shah

Pentru aceia dintre noi care participă la conferințele privind impactul din întreaga lume, poate fi ușor să lăsăm deoparte conversațiile privind gestionarea impactului ca fiind un subiect vechi care nu dispare niciodată. Cu toate acestea, este incontestabil că a apărut un nou sentiment de urgență menit să modifice radical acțiunile (nu cuvintele) în viitorul apropiat.